Growing Export Demand


Exports are one of the most promising growth segments for corn and products made from corn, like red meat, ethanol and distillers grains. The world population continues to grow, and demand for feed grains will continue to grow as well. Worldwide, the middle class is growing, increasing demand for corn-fed red meat. Working with groups like the US Grains Council, we can show tangible benefits to strong trade:

The Kansas Corn Commission actively works to build markets for corn by supporting:

Export Ship

The U.S. Grains Council

The U.S. Grains Council builds demand for U.S. corn and corn products like ethanol and DDGS in countries across the world. The Council’s offices around the world not only facilitate the sale of U.S. corn exports, but also educate buyers and create market demand for our product.


Meat Exports

Since the late 1970s, the Kansas Corn Commission has supported efforts of the US Meat Export Federation to build international markets for red meats. Learn more at



The International Grains Program (IGP) at Kansas State University

IGP educates foreign buyers and business leaders about U.S. grains through technical training and assistance programs in grain marketing, storage and handling, milling, marketing and processing. Learn more.